Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• There wont be any unnecessary political interferences
• Yes, Why not?
• Because the officers were under undue pressure from corrupt politicians
• For they are at least way more educated than those politicians ....
• They can deliver if they wish to. Best part of PR is that it is showing that our political parties believe in Democracy. How I wish that the Parties and Candidates do not murder democracy when it comes to actual voting in the elections.
• Some of them are efficient and sincere, so why not, they can make a difference. They are capable people. The only thing that will decide that is whether they can take a stand to really work for the people.
• Yes, the can make a difference, but only if they stop being ‘yes’ men. They must also be able to say no to politicians and the likes.
• We have some very talented officers, but unfortunately they are just lying in waste, so this PR should be good time for them to prove themselves.
• Yes,we all hope that under the present Governor, they will do their jobs better, instead of having to cater to all the whim and fancies of our greedy, spoilt brat politicians.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• The working style of bureaucrats are such in Nagaland that there is likely to be no improvement at all. At least thank God that the Governor is trying to take stock of the situation and holding the bureaucrats more responsible and accountable. Naga bureaucrats are followers, not leaders and I hope the Governor will give them good guidance.
• Its not possible for the bureaucrats to deliver where politicians have failed. If you understand the situation thoroughly, you will have noticed that even the present state of affairs is caused by bureaucrats. They are the once responsible for implementation and what kind of implementation do we see. Its absolutely sub-standard. The orientation and attitude of the bureaucrats are not in tune with the people. They no longer serve the people, its people who serve them.
• As they lack the Potentiality to do so.....
• Bureaucrats are "Smarter" people. They know how to come out "clean" after playing dirty. They know the rules of the game better than politicians. I hate to be pessimistic but that is the truth.
• It is really hard for them too because they too are party of the politicians who failed. We cannot separate the politician and bureaucrats in Nagaland they are all same?
• Giving them a free hand to manage the resources is dangerous. At least many politicians are aware that they are accountable to the people they serve. Bureaucrats think they are 'the owner' of resources, programs and policies and know best. They do not consult people in anything. Politicians are the only people who can influence bureaucrats, nobody else.
• Our politicos totally suck and our bureaucrats are no better. Parochial self-serving sleazy numbskulls with no vision, that what they are. PR or no PR, what was corrupt remains corrupt. Our bureaucrats are only happy they don’t have to share the spoils. Of course, we can’t discount the principled handful. With no one pulling their coats they can do something … but what can be done in a few months time? It takes eons to pass through the endless procedures of our system. That what bureaucrats are known for, aren’t they?
• i) Expectation is low due to time limitation. ii) I doubt they may not be fair in their performance as the bureaucratic set up is corrupted too.
• There is hardly any person with a productive mindset also there is hardly any bold or will for a change within the short period of time
• Under PR nothing is speed. It is always a tardy and fast sometime. But the fact is that our bureaucrats also under the clouds of politician nothing can speed up. People of Nagaland should realised the need to change in system which presently prevail. Where is our future? Nagaland for Christ becomes a buzword within the Naga community. If we really think of Christ within us the opposition also must think about the pros and cons of the PR in the state.
• No, under PR no bureaucrat can deliver where politicians failed. 1) Because PR can only serve the policies and objective of so called national Security and Integrity of India; and not the aspirations of the indigenous people. 2) During last 3 PR in Nagaland all the genuine democratic process was completely suppress and Naga society was fragmented further under the guise of Constitutional safeguards.
Some of those who voted Maybe had this to say:
• It will depend on the duration of the PR
• They'll have free space I guess to exercise their powers if they are really serious this time. Politicians have failed while gained their own wealth.
• To be fair to the bureaucrats, now is their finest opportunity for them to prove their mettle. The reputation of Naga bureaucrats are not good at all, but because of the PR, they have this chance to show that they are serious about work and that they can deliver the goods if given the chance.
• Because now would possibly be the time when they can deliver without having to see the politicians as obstacles. But for this collective will on the part of the bureaucrats to change what has been wrong in the past, in a short span of time is a must.
• Effectiveness depends on their commitment. Changing guards will prove worthwhile only if they seek the good of the masses leaving behind their selfishness.
• Bureaucrats are less corrupt unlike the politicians. and under the PR that is with the politicians gone the bureaucrats can do their job more effectively but the long formalities or red tapism may delay progress and since Nagaland is dotted with corrupted people from all walks of life greedy and lazy its very hard to say.
• If they don't act like politicians.
• "Only if they act like servants of the society and not masters"