What are Nagas most looking forward to in 2008?

Those who voted Peace and Security had this to say:
•    Without it, the other two cannot exist.
•    There is no doubt that all these are interrelated. But sensing the situation I feel that peace and security is the most important thing that Nagas are looking forward to in 2008. Without peace, the others will not be able to exist.
•    If there is peace and security, people will find ways and means for development and there’ll be enough space for each person to muse over his spiritual life. 
•    Only one people one group and one common aim can lead to peace and security. Without peace and security, there is no room for spiritual renewal, development and progress.
•    A Christian state should be in peace.
•    Without peace and security development and progress will be stunted prematurely.
•    Too much bloodshed. Time to forgive one another.
•    Without peace and security, how can development and progress be brought to the state.
•    Without Peace and Security, and without normalcy, nothing can be achieved
•    No peace and security means no development and progress. We need outside investment.
•    Without Peace, justice and sustained security, how can there ever be development or progress or for that matter even spiritual and social renewal.
•    Peace in a sense freedom. Where there is no freedom there won't be peace and security.
•    Insecurity leads to fear. Fear leads to isolation. Isolation leads to suspicion. Its high time Nagas give peace a chance and understand what unity is all about.

Those who voted Spiritual Renewal had this to say:
•    Spiritual renewal is the key to all other aspects of well being including peace & security, development and progress.
•    Without Christ, nothing is possible. Hence, be for any kind of peace, security, development and what not, let us put Christ first and then things will come automatically.
•    That is at the heart of everything. I mean a renewal of the MIND, not a "Benny Hinn" kind of renewal, please!!
•    The most urgent for Naga people is spiritual renewal. Naga people drift away from God and thats why we are in mess. Nothing is more important than coming back to God. If we are right with God He will be leading us to where we need to be but since we are on our own, we are confused and broken. Peace and security only God will bring to us. Development and will come only God bless us. So Naga people should bow their head and knelt before God and ask for His guidance and blessings. Without repentance there is only dark side we can see no matter how hard we tried.  
•    Because the lack of Spiritualism makes the Nagas disunity amongst us. If we are strong in Spiritual there will be peace, and the so called Nagaland For Christ will stand firmly.
•    Nagas have lost all sense of morality in life and society. Only a spiritual renewal will help Nagas to recover all lost grounds.
•    Without spiritual renewal, things will remain the same even if the persons or systems or governments / parties change. And our Lord do not approve killing whatsoever be the purpose or end. Nagas should send out more Christian missionaries to heartland India like Orissa, Bihar, Jharkhand and others if Nagas are truly for Christ!!!
•    I am tired of hearing peace and security or development and progress. What Nagas need is spiritual renewal. So then every area will begin to take its place. If we keep our spiritual values then peace and progress will come eventually. Our forefathers were spiritual people and thats how our society is woven together. Unless there is a spiritual discipline in our daily life, in our thoughts, in our action, we cannot expect our society to be a sound society. We the Nagas cannot be a shallow people. We need to stand firm and tall like our forefathers once did.   
•    Amid political unrest and social problems, I believe the Naga people are coming to a consciousness of a need for God, that getting right with Him is the beginning, and I see that in more young people. Which is why I think spiritual renewal is most looked forward to this New Year.

Those who voted   had this to say:
•    •    Because it has been so corrupted in the recent year that many are looking forward for the new Government so as to bring about development and progress in every field.
•    Its a pity that we Nagas are lagging behind in the International Map of Tourist Visits even though we have all the Natural Infrastructures at our disposal. The Political Leaders and Private sector should invest in this field and make Nagaland more developed and put us on the favorite spot for tourists.
•    The govt. policies are only focused in this matter. Though it is good, I personally would like to look forward to spiritual renewal because this alone can bring the rest!!!
•    When there is development and progress, there will be peace and security too.
•    In order to make herself come forward from her backward status amongst the rest of the states.....
•    i) Unless there is real development and progress people can't be secured. ii) The economic condition in the villages is extremely deteriorated. iii) Road connectivity is really in bad shape. iv) Government schemes and projects to be really implemented.

•    We have had relative peace and quiet for more than a decade now. We still are way far behind in the field of progress and development. We mostly evaluate years in terms of power struggles, wastages, shortcomings, failures, etc. Whatever, do you think 2008 will be any better? Do the elected leaders really care? More and more needs to be done in this context – something ultimately which we all can feel as well as take pride in. 

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