What is the main reason for increasing tribalism in Naga society

Those who voted Suspicion had this to say:
•    Before Naga society consisted of only village republics. There were no such things as tribe, it was a creation of the British. But now, Nagas are caught in that trap and are so suspicious of the other tribes that it is destroying us.
•    We Nagas are so suspicion of others even if they are from same tribe but of different village or clan. When we say we are the sons of the soil, its like saying "I am the only one" we also forget that a plain person is also a son of the soil also. For we all are made from the soil. Closed society breeds contempt and suspicions.
•    Suspicion and divisions that have been bred by the Indian state since the time the Nagas have asserted their aspiration for national self-determination.

Those who voted Pride had this to say:
•    Nagas can't live as brothers in good harmony....the bigger the locality  the more proud they r as if they are the one who have started their village.....their is no solution to this problem...and id there is, there  should be a proper guidance for the leaders....leaders as the political n the elderly people...there are some elderly people who encourage their children by their acts in the society and that is shameful n sorry for their children.
•    Bigger tribes think they are the best while smaller tribes have the same feeling that they are more or less "best".
•    The tribal ego to too high. For many the tribal identity comes first than his Naga or larger identity. This is one main reason.
•    The chase for political power by the major tribes. The inability of the tribes to come and humbly accept their flaws and at the same time find a solution for the never ending problems of the Naga issue.
•    Obviously pride. But there's more to it. There wouldn't be tribalism if Naga people are a single tribe. This is the harsh fact we have to recognize and live with. Another glaring fact is the natural rule of the game, which is loyalty. Your first loyalty goes to your family. The next is towards your tribe. When the issue arises about Naga, the instinctive loyalty of your tribe comes to the fore. No one can deny that. In that sense, people who merely talk about reconciliation are missing the whole picture in their perception. They are utopians who don't see the reality of life. In fact, there is nothing wrong in being loyal to your tribe, which transforms into tribalism. In Naga context, tribalism becomes an anathema due to the Naga leaders who play divisive politics perpetuating the lives of the Naga people. Are the Naga leaders reading this poll? Be true to yourself if you really want to bring some good changes in our Naga society. Simply lip service will not do.    
•    Because pride makes us think only about 'myself' and that becomes narrow-mindedness in itself which ultimately leads to suspicion.
•    Having a false belief that they are a better off community than the others and unwillingness of the Naga tribes to co-operate and co-ordinate for greater Naga cause. Changing the attitude and perspective of themselves and getting into a global competition will solve this problem among the Nagas.

Those who voted Narrow-mindedness had this to say:
•    Inspite of Naga's growing in populace and size the mind has remained where it has been decades ago. Tribalism will only get worst if serious measures are not taken immediately. One way to curtail this is by inter-marriage.
•    I for one would put down narrow-mindedness among others as one of the main reason for increasing tribalism in Naga society. Its pervasive effect is clearly seen and felt in all spheres. Ethnocentrism is insidiously tightening its strangle-hold. Unless we open up our minds and reverse this divisive and destructive trend, the day is not very far where we will all be witnesses and victims of Nagaslavia (Balkan) tribal war. 
•    People are not looking at the bigger picture. With globalisation, the world is getting smaller and smaller but we are still trapped in our big world of boundaries, tribes, languages...
•    Every society believes that it is the best and has the best. When one can not trust others regardless of tribe religion, colour of skin. Its due to narrow-mindedness and false pride. Those who can not admit there own drawbacks are doomed to suffer from self righteousness.
•    Nagas have been indulged so swiftly (spoiled) in the modernity that they skipped to learn in process to live with fellow tribes or community side by side.
•    "Self" "ego" "I" & "ME" life style. Never think about other.
•    Because we are still incapable of thinking beyond our own kindred and community.
•    Selfishness and an altogether imbalanced ethical values.
•    Narrow-mindedness is all about ones vision can be limited to himself or herself. Because of non exposing to other world and narrow approach have made the Naga a victim of tribalism.
•    All the above three of them i.e. Suspicion, Pride, and Narrow-mindedness however the major problem is the narrow-mindedness that caused tribalism in Naga society. There is no rebellion if you’re open for other things. The more the party open up, that help to break down the misconception of the third party and moreover help to bridge the distance between the two parties.  While opening with other parties, this process itself somehow reduced the Suspicion and even Pride by knowing the pro and cons. As far young generation is concern, they are opening up however old folks (tribal leaders) are igniting hatred and Suspicion among the young folks with the past stories which caused grater chaos then support one another in our society. That why this present generation see so much of own brother blood bleed like never before.
•    Most of the Naga people lacks exposure to the outside world and they are used to the environment similar to self imprisonment and the other reason must be lack of grooming in Naga traditional culture.
•    Most of the people who start this are not properly educated and poor. Unequal development and employment creates frustration and pride and suspicion are both jealousy of the other tribe. older generations and ill educated public leaders and figures all adds to the chaos of tribalism.
•    We Nagas think small. Its high time to think out of the box! What better use can a pile of shards of glasses have than a beautiful glass vase? And I believe tribalism exists within the state more than outside! Once we come out from the state. It is not felt as much as it is at home. Cause out here we become a single entity and automatically unite.
•    All the three reasons are relevant. We need to realise that relationships are built on trust and respect.
•    We Nagas in general are more into narrow minded why? because of our strong community set up. We eat and live in a same house, even after a couple is married that closeness still prevails. And so it is evident that the issue of tribalism is increasing in our land. I dare not speak against it or favours it coz there lies both good and bad. All we need to do is be able to handle the situation as it comes and settle it in an amicable way as it was done in olden days. Hey educated Nagas... Lets not speak ill about it rather lets research it and find some solution to it. Then we can be included as one among those educated lead groups.
•    Generally speaking Naga mindset which is rooted in tribalism and therefore suspicion of one another results in the present scene. It may take another century to overcome this mindset.
•    Inability to understand other's view considering only one's own views as correct which in turn is not compromisable.
•    As thoughts controls humans mind...Nagas need to have a good attitude towards each other.
•    I guess there are stubborn people around who want to see the world in their own small selfish way. Not considering the idea of a united undivided state. People make stubborn rules for themselves, useless obligation for someone they feel  they are one... true but not true.
•    The roots of tribalism is mainly because of our narrow-mindedness which leads to cowardly   acts/violence.

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