What qualities do you most seek in a politician?

Those who voted Integrity had this to say:
•    Integrity. Our leaders sorely lack this quality. We need leaders with strong will and principles who have enough guts to stand by their belief and convictions. Leaders who cannot be bought or sold, leaders with solid moral values. But here in Nagaland ….. well, in  our dreams maybe. After all the synonym of integrity is Honesty, isn’t it. 
•    Integrity, without a strong backbone and equally strong principles, the other two mean nothing. 
•    One of the most important personality trait that our politicians, in their capacities as public representatives should posses is integrity. They may be charismatic but yet dubious. They may be humble yet covertly opportunist. Integrity as a personality strength will keep both opportunism and dubiousness at bay. History is replete with examples of leaders who immensely contributed to public well- being based on their inner conviction. It is preferable that our leaders have all the three qualities but above all a strong integrity in them shall ensure that the fruits of development reach the masses and not fitter away in the massive pockets of the bourgeois or a select few at the cost of many. God please bless our leaders with bounties of integrity as this is the need of the hour.
•    Integrity of course! No matter how much they sugarcoat their speeches to the GULLIBLE public, if they have integrity they will surely work truthfully one day eh!
•    Integrity. Men and women of impeccable moral fiber and conviction who can and will conscientiously work to bring about the much-needed changes we so badly require. But to be brutally frank who cares a hoot. Lust for power and money, apathy corruption, rising social evils, class divide, etc, speaks volumes. Apart form our ‘advanced’ image, the background is ominously disturbing. 
•    Its the fire of character and the stronghold morals in a wishy-washy moral decay.
•    The Word integrity is a comprehensive term which encompasses everything good about man in his relationship to others, God and Himself.
•    Isn’t it the lack of integrity in our politicians that’s causing the whole political structure to disintegrate into a big joke where the public is made to suffer and those at the high-ups have their heart’s laugh!!
•    You don’t expect your leader to be corrupt, egoistic and a hopelessly foolish as your representative.
•    Its very rare these days to find Politician with integrity. Most of them are opportunist and willing to go all out to grab power by hook or crooks. Once in power, they say something but do the otherwise. Since they owe their power to unscrupulous means, they are bound by the dictates of undesirable forces. Those Politician who have integrity work for their people with commitment and sincerity.
•    No Nation on earth could forge ahead without possessing Integrity on the part of its leaders. If one has integrity, then naturally the state, society and its people would liberate from the yoke of ignorance & backwardness. definitely, charisma & humility will be there if one has Integrity.
•    Law abiding citizens need to be able to entrust their land to a leader who is trustworthy, is blameless and have strong convictions about moral and ethical values. A public leader is not a wishy-washy pop star. He has to be a man of integrity. How else can we move forward?
•    Integrity, Presence of rampant corruption is due to lack of integrity among our leaders. 
•    Integrity is the essences of the human character
•    Integrity of course. In Nagaland context, it is the charismatic ones who happen to be the most corrupted and the humble ones appear to be the most nefarious. 
•    Integrity. A politician who would never compromise his integrity for anyone. Integrity when rated higher would bring immense gain everywhere.

Those who voted Humility had this to say:
•    Because, without humility a politician will not be approachable and will not respect his or her citizen.
•    Humility is what we need today in our society and therefore any politician should be very clear that no matter how popular he is or how charismatic he might be if he does not possessed the quality of humility he cannot serve the common people in the way people expect him to do so...Therefore in addition to his popularity, integrity and charisma, he should be humble enough to preserve the Naga culture  by uplifting the poor people in the rural areas and should be able to bring changes in the Naga society.
•    I’d say all three qualities  but unfortunately most politicians lack humility  
•    At all means he should be humble. Integrity comes next. Charisma is least needed a leader should be.
•    Humility with practical enthusiasm to work for the betterment of society as a whole.

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