Those who voted for Political Sovereignty had this to say:
• The responsibility of any political community is to ensure that it meets the economic necessities of its citizens, but unless the political community is sovereign, it cannot fulfill the demands of the people.
• Political sovereignty should be first, not because it is more important that economic sovereignty, but because political sovereignty is the basis on which a nation comes together and decides its economic policy.
• Nagas should first pursue Political Sovereignty, Why? 1). The main obstacle to development is due to imposed governance and policy, where the will of the people and their potentialities are suppressed. 2). Nearly 60% of the corruption in the present Naga society is due to more than 50 years of imposed governance and assimilation under draconian laws. 3). Mega criminals (so-called politician) are awarding different/all kinds of Indian National awards whereas the thousands of innocent people are suffering Economically, psychologically and physically for last 40 years. 4). When Rome was burning, Emperor Nero was playing and enjoying his harp, was the period between 1972 to 2003. And they called so called Nagaland ‘AN ISLAND OF PEACE.’
• Nagas are too fond of saying that Naga issue is a political issue. Now a few educated Nagas are saying that economic sovereignty should be pursued first. What kind of hypocrisy is this? If Nagas claim that their issue is a political issue, that the political solution must be first, economic policy can then be formulated.
• Nagas should first pursue political sovereignty because 1). Without political sovereignty, economic sovereignty is not possible; 2). The 44 years of statehood under duress is the best example of want of political sovereignty. 3). No people cannot develop without political liberty. The best example is erstwhile USSR and Yugoslavia.
• For more than 60 years Nagas are fighting for sovereignty. Sovereignty means everything related to Naga issues, even economics. So it will not be wise to break up sovereignty to piece meal solution. Sovereignty for Nagas must first be political sovereignty.
• There is no doubt that political sovereignty should be sought and had first. Of what use is ‘economic sovereignty’ to us Nagas if we remain subjugated people. The political struggle of the Nagas should not be mixed with ‘economic sovereignty’ because these two issues are completely different and must be dealt separately. Let us focus on one target – Sovereign Naga State and then only let other secondary issues follow, please.
• That would pave the way for economic sovereignty
• IT is political sovereignty that must provide the needs of the people.
Those who voted for Economic Sovereignty had this to say:
• Without economic sustenance, there can be no sovereignty. So this should come first.
• With SOVEREINTY without ECONOMY we cannot survive, because we have limited resources.
• It is more practical and sensible to pursue economic sovereignty, for when we achieve economic sovereignty we will learn to learn to respect ourselves and value ourselves, which will eventually help us in our pursuance of political sovereignty...
• logic....the rest will follow after that...
• Political sovereignty is no longer an issue for the common Naga. It is our aspirations for better livelihood opportunities and lifestyles that keep us moving.
• Economic sovereignty will lead to political sovereignty
• With economy comes political wisdom and strengthens a society to pursue and achieve dreams. A small nation like Japan is enough to explain the reason.
• It should be Economic first. A country cannot survive through contribution and forced demand.
• One cannot think of political sovereignty without obtaining economic sovereignty because economic power determines political power and which can be retain only if a country is economically sound and well developed. The Nagas should ponder first on its economy which is getting deteriorated over the past years due to poor development and the lack of utilization of its resources by its people. When one look in to the present status of our economy it is in a pathetic condition with more than 90% dependent on the central government and does not have any noteworthy production of its own.
Those who voted for Political and Economic Sovereignty simultaneously had this to say:
• Nagas should pursue political and economic sovereignty simultaneously because no society can live on economic or political sovereignty alone. In this era of globalization, where everything is interrelated, it must be known to all that sovereignty cannot be split up, because economic and political sovereignty are interrelated to each other.
• Sovereignty means both political and economic. Without political stability, economic progress will not take place, without economic development the political sovereignty cannot be sustained. They need each other.
• Because economic sovereignty can be better achieved by getting political sovereignty, and at the same time, we cannot eat or drink political sovereignty. And hence political sovereignty without economic sovereignty is meaningless.
• There is no reason why we should pursue the other first and other next in this competitive world.
• In this competitive business world, we are 100 yrs far lagging behind in everything economically, politically, and socially. If we have to see a holistic development in every field, then Nagas cannot avoid economic development, without which we cannot build a good platform to raise our political voice and build up network with the rest of the world. Without this there wills more chaos in the Naga society such as kidnap, killing, conflicts, buglers, killings, after all common people are looking for survival for the fittest. When there is economic development we can solely rely our - self and more confident to run our own nation. Likely, people in general will say common we don’t need other country to rule us. We can shut the mouth of Indian politician and the Indian puppets. Economic development is a must, not a choice.
• Economic is a political activity and Politics is an economic necessity, so both are needed and must be pursued simultaneously.
• Political solution with India alone will make the situation worse in Nagaland. We are in the state of complete breakdown of law and order, exactly contrary to democratic principles. Especially Naga youths are growing with confusion, nothing is specific and disciplined. However, under no circumstances can man live without bread. Therefore, Naga leaders must change lest they be condemned by history. The solution of both should be pursued together sincerely.
• Both should go together however economic is more important to me. Money is not everything but money is what every individual in this world pursue and work for. Let us posses money not money possessing us.
• A nation must have both strong economy and political sovereignty if it is to be viable and offer its people a secure and quality of life.
• Both are equally important for a country to stand on its own.
• Nagas should seek unity without which there will never be political or economic sovereignty.
• Sovereignty is holistic. When a nation fights for sovereignty, it means everything, not a piece meal sovereignty. Sovereignty means all things concerning a nation.
Other Opinions
• How can we talk of political sovereignty when we are so torn apart? How can we talk of economic sovereignty when we can’t produce even a single match stick? Sweet dreams are what they are!