Will Naga Reconciliation between the political groups be achieved in 2011?

Some of those who voted  YES had this to say:
•    I think there is a good possibility of some real progress being made. But I wish the FNR would be more assertive in their approach. It is time that their kind glove attitude must be changed with some tough glove approach. Also the Naga public cannot remain silent. The public must come out strongly in the open and really push forward to the extent of saying that they will not support any group which is against reconciliation. The Naga public must issue an ultimatum that they will support the Naga groups only when they reconcile.
•    Yes, if the leaders of the groups really want reconciliation and if they genuinely put their hearts and minds into the reconciliation process, I am certain that Nagas will reconcile because majority of the Nagas want reconciliation to be achieved.
•    Yes, but for their own good, not for Nagas.
•    Nagas can achieve reconciliation within this year, if everyone works towards it. We must stop being cynical and pessimistic in our attitude. Its only with an open, honest, forgiving and sincere attitude that we can achieve this goal.
•    Despite the look of desperation, gloom and chaos that characterize our Naga society today, I sincerely believe that God will restore our land one day, including the reconciliation of political groups. This not because we deserve it, but simply because of His great love for the Nagas and His abundant grace. Having said that, genuine reconciliation must first take place between the individual and God, and a return to Christ. This will be the beginning of any reconciliation among ourselves. 2011 could be the year. Why not?
•    This is the only hope for the Nagas if not we will end up destroying ourselves.
•    If the Naga public can unite together, they can certainly make sure that the Naga political groups reconcile.
•    The Nagas need to reconcile. This is what all Nagas want. As usual there will be a lot of cynics and skeptics but if factional fighting breaks out they will be the first one to complain about it, and yet they will also do nothing about it. This is the great Naga tragedy. I hope the factional leaders – most of who are now in the twilight of their lives – will find reason and realize that reconciliation needs to happen during their lifetime.
•    If our leaders seek Christ’s counsel and favor in their decision making processes and if they succeed in seeking His favor than it is possible.
•    The Naga reconciliation has brought much relief to the common man. At least the violence has stopped for now. But we know that the full reconciliation has not be achieved yet. The leaders must know that the Naga public wants the groups to unite so that whatever solution is agreed with India will be inclusive of all groups. Without reconciliation no faction can bring solution to the Naga issue.
•    There is no other option
•    Being the optimist I am, I say there is no choice but for Nagas to see that the reconciliation process is achieved. If not, fighting will resume and people will go back to living in fear and suspicion. DO you want that to happen? Not me, so I pray for reconciliation to be successful.
•    Yes, this is the only way forward and the majority of the Nagas want reconciliation.
•    Yes, i have a feeling that this might be the year that reconciliation will be achieved. How long will the process continue like this. If they are not able to reconcile this year, than it will be the end of reconciliation, and no one ones its to end. So I feel this will be the year of reconciliation.
•    This may be the last tango, lets give it the best shot.
•    Yes, if the Naga public can stand its ground and ask the groups to unite together or face the public wrath. The groups have done enough damage to the Naga society, its time they listen to the public and heed to the call for reconciliation. Only through reconciliation can Nagas achieve our Naga political freedom.
•    I believe in 2011 all the Nagas will become one because we know the truth that boiling stage is over. If we don’t fight for Naga oneness we fight for nothing.
•    I dont know if it will be achieved in 2011, but I do know that this may be the only hope for Nagas. Just look at the mess that is happening all around. ENPO was the organization that kept harping Unity First, Solution Second, but now they have gone ahead with their demand for Frontier Nagaland. The Manipur Nagas are demanding an interim called alternative arrangement. The need for Naga reconciliation is so important. The reconciliation process must be expedited.  

Some of those who voted NO  had this to say:
• What is scary among the Nagas is that we have layers of divisions in our minds. We cannot be free and reconciled until we have settled it in our minds.
• No, Naga reconciliation wont be achieved by 2011
•    It can never be possible. The so-called reverends who are goats in sheep clothes are taking the groups on ride for their own advantage. Sad but true
•    Nagas freedom ideology has become "FREEDOOM"
•    they need to stop extortion first to bring peace and unity among Nagas
•    What? Is Jesus coming? Or Father Abraham I hear.  No parties would like to be the second best.
•    The leaders of the Nagas have already reconciled. now the Naga leaders should find possible means to reconcile with a political group for sovereign state call Nagaland
•    When it never was solved for half a decade, how come we Nagas do it now?
•    No way..we are not going to see anything fruitful this century,4get 2011.
•    Can't believe with the new ENPO asking for separate sate.
•    Because everyone wants to be the leader.
•    Ask the leaders...will they give up the seat of 'tumi tu kuun ase"..."ami bhi  ami ase," attitudes.
•    Reconciliation will happens when 99% of population are truly reconciled.....and media should stop giving importance to microscopic factional leaders
•    No. “Naam saam te”…maybe. But true reconciliation? Nah!
•    Leadership crisis. every other person is a leader in its own style
•    No, it will take a lifetime or more.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
•    It would be arrogant to think that Nagas can march forward without reconciliation. I wish our leaders realize that Nagas are in this sorry state of affairs because we think that we can build the Naga future all by our ownselves without the help of other Nagas. This is a complete folly. There is no other choice but for Nagas to reconcile.
•    By taking the true nature of political groups into account in the current context, I wont be surprised to see me greeting by procrastination in next New Year 2012 too, as I and like-minded Nagas while at present with neither solution in sight nor a clear picture on the horizon find quite difficult to envisage a breakthrough in this long-drawn 6 decades-old Naga political issue in the near future. However, it is my humble appeal to one and all of our political bigwigs and stakeholders of this on going reconciliation process to utilize the optimum application of their sagacity with great vision to chart the destiny of our state and its people in the best interest of our future generation, whereas the rock solid majority of Nagas have been yearning for a lasting peace that will precede with honorable and permanent solution once and for all. I would also like to urge the GOI to expedite our vexed Naga political issue with utmost sincerity.
•    may or may not be. depends on so called leaders of factions. They should sacrifice their pride, arrogance and inflated egos. otherwise there will never be a peaceful Naga nation.
•    The situation is ripe for reconciliation. This is the finest opportunity and it may well be the last chance for Nagas to reconcile. The initiative of the FNR has created this chance for Nagas to bury their differences once and for all and work together. It now all depends on the leaders, whether they will listen to the people and act in accordance with the wishes of the people.

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