Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• Yes, the younger generation is losing touch with their history. This is a increasing fact, no one can deny it. But the issue is who is to blame. Can we blame the younger generation? I dont think so. The older generation has no doubt messed up the Naga issue and the way the older people are behaving is making the younger people sick and tired. Just look at the Naga movement. The older generation has only created factionalism and instead of making amends and reconciling, they are sticking to their guns. The younger generation is completely fed up with the older generation.
• Younger naga generation are searching for greener pasture in more peaceful atmosphere outside ..............??????
• Their texts contain only other histories!
• Yes, very much. This is obvious by the fact that we’ve began to neglect, rather discard, our once revered practices, habits, customs and culture. Of course knowing them or having in-depth knowledge about ourselves doesn’t imply that we should live like some stone-aged men in traditionally vibrant colors with equally aged practices, but it definitely instills and kindles a sense of unflinching oneness lifelong, with room enough for that humane instinct. The best option to let the younger generation learn of our history maybe through homes and educational institutions in a systematic process.
• All are care free
• To avoid the present situation, they opt to study and stay and work outside.
• When the Govt. of Nagaland in collaboration with some Café is promotion the Korean culture, it certainly will have a drastic effect on the mindset of the youths and the end- product is there for all to see. Nowadays, we find many duplicate college going Koreans roaming the streets of the neighborhoods. Nagas prefer watching Korean movies to English movies. Some section of the Nagas profess to have found salvation in the form of illusion from the preaching of new age guru, Rev. Ban Moon Sun. They insist that he preaches only in Korean lingo. That’s speaking in tongue. The only common linkage that I find between us and the Korean is that, we, both, love Dog Meat. Slurp !!!.
• They are happy with Indian money...
• They dont even care 2 learn their own dialect and not even ready to visit their village n learn their culture..maybe the parents dont care or the children are still sleeping.
• Influence by the external factors.
• The Western-culture's Influence on the Naga youths is one thing and the lack of teaching about the Naga history is another thing. Instead of teaching and learning about the historical heritage of Naga history, our people have been spending too long time on fighting and killing each others
• No one will deny that the younger Naga generation is losing touch with their history, culture, tradition and even language. But I would not blame them completely. I think the Naga elders also need to take responsibility for the mess that we are all in. The rigidity in which the Naga elders are operating is just unethical.
• Yes, tell me how many of today’s youngster know about the legends, histories or the works of the great leaders of the past who really struggled for us? Well forget about the history of the Nagas, I bet they don’t even know the history of their tribe.
• Because many of the Naga's history were not recorded and many students forget to learn them.
• We don't have to look far. Just take a peek at our lifestyle.
• Yes unfortunately in many ways and measures. The saddest part is losing our respectable identity.. I am scared!
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• I am saying NO cautiously because the younger Nagas know only what they have been taught in schools, homes and in the society. I dont think they know any less than what they are being told. So the problem is not that the Naga youths are losing in touch with their history, but that they are being taught very little about their culture, tradition and history. So eventually, if they are not being taught well, the Naga youths will lose touch with their history and I dont think they can be blamed for it. Also let us not forget that the so called Naga overground and underground leaders have no vision for the young people. When there is no strong leadership that is in a position to provide a sense of direction and vision for the people, than what can we expect from the younger generation. They will only want to detach as much as possible with their history. Something radical must be done if we are to save Nagaland. The leaders must take responsibility for their actions and get their acts together. Finally, the underground groups must reconcile and put forward a common agenda for negotiation with the Indian government. If the UGs can agree to put forward a common agenda for negotiation, I am sure all Nagas will support it.
• No because history of Naga is now studied as a subject is included in academic curriculum.
• No. The Nagas, with the passage of time, are advancing and more aware of the importance of history. So, Naga history can never be lost.
• The thoughts of younger generation and older generation are different but has the same Goal..work for the people of Nagaland
• We are reading and accessing a lot more of history than our older generations. Thanks to technology, newspaper, books, magazines, internet, etc. Now i know my histories and im able to tell it to the older generation.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• The younger generation is stuck between the old and the new. Of course it is common sense that the new must come out of the old, but the problem with the old is that it is not allowing the new to come out and shine. The old has become the problem, it is just refusing to give room to the new. The younger generation is in a pitiable state.
• The world has progressed so much. The world is talking about the latest technological advancements, and here we are in Nagaland talking about land encroachment in fast disappearing Intangki forest.
• tere is no question of losing or gaining touch wit naga history . coz we were never taught about our naga history in literature form even in high school . the present state of mind of a naga individual is tat knowledge abt naga history is nil and knowledge abt nagaland geography 100%. due to this imbalance we r livin in confusd n distrustful society.
• we dont have a history. what is naga history??
• With changes and progress in the world, the young people have to change too. But in terms of cultural values, they are copying all the bad ones the see from their parents' generation.
• As the younger Naga generation with no exception being part and parcel of this global village replete with fierce competitions in every field of discipline, no matter how forward-looking and progressive it may be, no elite educated Naga can afford to ignore his/her rich and unique history preferably not contemporary one but the one during the period of our forefathers though illiterate and noble savage, some of their finest qualities are still relevant to our present day and draw inspiration and guidance from their exemplenary way of life and deeds. Its honestly sobering for me to she epishly admit that I am also one of them who only has a smattering of our own Naga history, let alone the culture, heritage, traditional custom out of sheer ignorance or take it for granted as it is or perhaps for both reasons on my part. However, better late than never, as my answer to your poll quest put me in quite a retrospective state of mind.
• Yes, the younger generation is losing touch with their history. This is a increasing fact, no one can deny it. But the issue is who is to blame. Can we blame the younger generation? I dont think so. The older generation has no doubt messed up the Naga issue and the way the older people are behaving is making the younger people sick and tired. Just look at the Naga movement. The older generation has only created factionalism and instead of making amends and reconciling, they are sticking to their guns. The younger generation is completely fed up with the older generation.
• Younger naga generation are searching for greener pasture in more peaceful atmosphere outside ..............??????
• Their texts contain only other histories!
• Yes, very much. This is obvious by the fact that we’ve began to neglect, rather discard, our once revered practices, habits, customs and culture. Of course knowing them or having in-depth knowledge about ourselves doesn’t imply that we should live like some stone-aged men in traditionally vibrant colors with equally aged practices, but it definitely instills and kindles a sense of unflinching oneness lifelong, with room enough for that humane instinct. The best option to let the younger generation learn of our history maybe through homes and educational institutions in a systematic process.
• All are care free
• To avoid the present situation, they opt to study and stay and work outside.
• When the Govt. of Nagaland in collaboration with some Café is promotion the Korean culture, it certainly will have a drastic effect on the mindset of the youths and the end- product is there for all to see. Nowadays, we find many duplicate college going Koreans roaming the streets of the neighborhoods. Nagas prefer watching Korean movies to English movies. Some section of the Nagas profess to have found salvation in the form of illusion from the preaching of new age guru, Rev. Ban Moon Sun. They insist that he preaches only in Korean lingo. That’s speaking in tongue. The only common linkage that I find between us and the Korean is that, we, both, love Dog Meat. Slurp !!!.
• They are happy with Indian money...
• They dont even care 2 learn their own dialect and not even ready to visit their village n learn their culture..maybe the parents dont care or the children are still sleeping.
• Influence by the external factors.
• The Western-culture's Influence on the Naga youths is one thing and the lack of teaching about the Naga history is another thing. Instead of teaching and learning about the historical heritage of Naga history, our people have been spending too long time on fighting and killing each others
• No one will deny that the younger Naga generation is losing touch with their history, culture, tradition and even language. But I would not blame them completely. I think the Naga elders also need to take responsibility for the mess that we are all in. The rigidity in which the Naga elders are operating is just unethical.
• Yes, tell me how many of today’s youngster know about the legends, histories or the works of the great leaders of the past who really struggled for us? Well forget about the history of the Nagas, I bet they don’t even know the history of their tribe.
• Because many of the Naga's history were not recorded and many students forget to learn them.
• We don't have to look far. Just take a peek at our lifestyle.
• Yes unfortunately in many ways and measures. The saddest part is losing our respectable identity.. I am scared!
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• I am saying NO cautiously because the younger Nagas know only what they have been taught in schools, homes and in the society. I dont think they know any less than what they are being told. So the problem is not that the Naga youths are losing in touch with their history, but that they are being taught very little about their culture, tradition and history. So eventually, if they are not being taught well, the Naga youths will lose touch with their history and I dont think they can be blamed for it. Also let us not forget that the so called Naga overground and underground leaders have no vision for the young people. When there is no strong leadership that is in a position to provide a sense of direction and vision for the people, than what can we expect from the younger generation. They will only want to detach as much as possible with their history. Something radical must be done if we are to save Nagaland. The leaders must take responsibility for their actions and get their acts together. Finally, the underground groups must reconcile and put forward a common agenda for negotiation with the Indian government. If the UGs can agree to put forward a common agenda for negotiation, I am sure all Nagas will support it.
• No because history of Naga is now studied as a subject is included in academic curriculum.
• No. The Nagas, with the passage of time, are advancing and more aware of the importance of history. So, Naga history can never be lost.
• The thoughts of younger generation and older generation are different but has the same Goal..work for the people of Nagaland
• We are reading and accessing a lot more of history than our older generations. Thanks to technology, newspaper, books, magazines, internet, etc. Now i know my histories and im able to tell it to the older generation.
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• The younger generation is stuck between the old and the new. Of course it is common sense that the new must come out of the old, but the problem with the old is that it is not allowing the new to come out and shine. The old has become the problem, it is just refusing to give room to the new. The younger generation is in a pitiable state.
• The world has progressed so much. The world is talking about the latest technological advancements, and here we are in Nagaland talking about land encroachment in fast disappearing Intangki forest.
• tere is no question of losing or gaining touch wit naga history . coz we were never taught about our naga history in literature form even in high school . the present state of mind of a naga individual is tat knowledge abt naga history is nil and knowledge abt nagaland geography 100%. due to this imbalance we r livin in confusd n distrustful society.
• we dont have a history. what is naga history??
• With changes and progress in the world, the young people have to change too. But in terms of cultural values, they are copying all the bad ones the see from their parents' generation.
• As the younger Naga generation with no exception being part and parcel of this global village replete with fierce competitions in every field of discipline, no matter how forward-looking and progressive it may be, no elite educated Naga can afford to ignore his/her rich and unique history preferably not contemporary one but the one during the period of our forefathers though illiterate and noble savage, some of their finest qualities are still relevant to our present day and draw inspiration and guidance from their exemplenary way of life and deeds. Its honestly sobering for me to she epishly admit that I am also one of them who only has a smattering of our own Naga history, let alone the culture, heritage, traditional custom out of sheer ignorance or take it for granted as it is or perhaps for both reasons on my part. However, better late than never, as my answer to your poll quest put me in quite a retrospective state of mind.